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גזירה שמא ימלא את הקרנות ולא יהא אלא ראש תור ירק מי לא תנן היה ראש תור ירק נכנס לתוך שדה אחר מותר מפני שנראה סוף שדה אין ראש תור בערוגה

Rather, Rav’s reasoning must be: It is a decree lest one will fill the corners after having first planted the garden bed, and thereby violate the prohibition of diverse kinds. The Gemara asks: And why should that matter, the legal status of the garden bed should merely be like a triangular [rosh tor] plot of vegetables. Didn’t we learn in a mishna: If a triangular plot of vegetables was protruding into another field, it is permitted; there, it is not considered a prohibited mixture of diverse kinds, because the end of the field is distinguishable. Based on the shapes of the two fields where they intersect, the demarcation between them is clear. And the Gemara answers: There is no leniency with regard to a triangular plot in a garden bed. This allowance with regard to a triangular section of one field jutting into another field applies only to a large field where the triangular shape can clearly be attributed to a different field, but in a small garden bed where the seeds are adjacent to one another, it is impossible to distinguish between the seeds.

ושמואל אמר ערוגה בין הערוגות שנינו והא קא מיתערבי בהדדי בנוטה שורה לכאן ושורה לכאן

And Shmuel said: When we learned in the mishna that one may plant five kinds of seeds within a garden bed without violating the prohibition of diverse kinds, we learned this even with regard to a garden bed among garden beds, not only in a solitary bed. The Gemara asks: Don’t the seeds become intermingled with one another? The Gemara answers: It is referring to a case where one inclines one row to here, in one direction, and one row to here, in a different direction. In that way they do not appear intermingled.

אמר עולא בעו במערבא הפקיע תלם אחד על פני כולה מהו אמר רב ששת בא ערבוב וביטל את השורה רב אסי אמר אין עירובו מבטל את השורה איתיביה רבינא לרב אשי הנוטע שתי שורות של קישואין שתי שורות של דילועין שתי שורות של פול המצרי מותר שורה אחת של קישואין ושורה אחת של דילועין ושורה אחת של פול המצרי אסור שאני הכא דאיכא שראכא

Ulla said: They raise a dilemma in the West, Eretz Yisrael: What is the halakha if one opened a single furrow across its entirety? Is it considered demarcation between the garden beds if one dug a furrow between two garden beds? Rav Sheshet said: The intermingling of these garden beds comes and nullifies the row. The furrow is not considered to be a demarcation between the beds. Rav Asi said: Its intermingling does not disqualify the row. Ravina raised an objection to the opinion of Rav Ashi from a mishna: One who plants two rows of cucumbers and two rows of gourds and two rows of Egyptian beans, it is permitted because each of the species is distinct. However, if he plants one row of cucumbers and one row of gourds and one row of Egyptian beans, it is prohibited because in single rows there is no clear demarcation between the species. This indicates that a furrow between different species of seeds does not prevent intermingling between them. Rav Ashi replied: The case in that mishna is an exception. Here, it is different because there are branches that grow out from these species which become entangled with each other, nullifying the furrow between them. Other vegetables, whose branches do not become entangled, may be planted with a single furrow between them.

אמר רב כהנא אמר רבי יוחנן הרוצה למלאות כל גינתו ירק עושה ערוגה ששה על ששה ועוגל בה חמשה וממלא קרנותיה כל מה שירצה

Rav Kahana said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: One who wishes to fill his entire garden with vegetables and does not want to distance the rows of seeds from one another may make a garden bed that is six by six handbreadths and make five circles inside it (ge’onim, Rambam). He plants different species in the different circles and fills its corners with whatever additional species that he wants.

והא איכא דביני וביני אמרי דבי רבי ינאי במחריב בין הביניים רב אשי אמר אם היו זרועין שתי זורען ערב ערב זורען שתי איתיביה רבינא לרב אשי עבודת ירק בירק אחר ששה טפחים ורואין אותם

The Gemara asks: Aren’t there seeds between the circles, which intermingle with the species that are in the circles? The school of Rabbi Yannai say in response to this: This is referring to a case where one leaves the space in between them barren and does not plant there. Rav Ashi said: He may fill the entire bed with seeds, and demarcate between the different types of seeds in the following manner. If the circles were planted lengthwise, he plants the seeds in between widthwise; and if the circles were planted widthwise, he plants the seeds in between lengthwise. Ravina raised an objection to the opinion of Rav Ashi: We learned that the work space of a vegetable of one species, when planted with a vegetable of a different species, is six handbreadths. And one views them