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אלא אימא עד שתהא תחלתו כשיריו אחד

Rather, emend the baraita and say: It is unfit only when its origins, like its remnants, are one.

דרש מרימר הני איסורייתא דסורא מסככין בהו אף על גב דאגדן למנינא בעלמא הוא דאגדן

Mareimar taught: With regard to these bundles of reeds from Sura that are bound for sale, one may roof the sukka with them. Although the seller bound them, he bound them merely to ascertain the number more readily, and they will not remain bound.

אמר רבי אבא הני צריפי דאורבני כיון שהותרה ראשי מעדנים שלהן כשרין והא אגידי מתתאי אמר רב פפא דשרי להו

Rabbi Abba said: With regard to these huts made of willow branches, once their upper ties holding them together are undone, they are fit roofing. The Gemara asks: But aren’t they still tied from below? Rav Pappa said: Rabbi Abba is referring to a case where he unties them from below as well.

(ואמר) רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע אפילו תימא דלא שרי להו כל אגד שאינו עשוי לטלטלו לא שמיה אגד

Rav Huna, son of Rav Yehoshua, said: Even if you say that Rabbi Abba is referring to a case where one does not untie them from below, they are fit for sukka roofing, as any binding that is not destined to be moved is not considered a binding. Since these huts are untied from above, were one to attempt to move them, they would fall apart.

אמר רבי אבא אמר שמואל ירקות שאמרו חכמים אדם יוצא בהן ידי חובתו בפסח מביאין את הטומאה ואין חוצצין בפני הטומאה ופוסלין בסוכה משום אויר מאי טעמא כיון דלכי יבשי פרכי ונפלי כמאן דליתנהו דמי

§ Rabbi Abba said that Shmuel said: With regard to vegetables about which the Sages said: One fulfills his obligation to eat bitter herbs on Passover, if they are spread over a source of ritual impurity imparted by a corpse, they transmit ritual impurity, and the impurity spreads to objects beneath them. And, nevertheless, the Sages decreed that they do not serve as a barrier before the spread of ritual impurity. The impurity breaches roofing made of these vegetables and rises upward, as if there were no covering over it. If one roofs a sukka with these vegetables, it is as if they were not there at all, and they render a sukka unfit due to the unfitness of airspace. Just as three handbreadths of airspace in the roofing renders a sukka unfit, so too, three handbreadths of these vegetables in the roofing renders a sukka unfit. What is the reason for this halakha? Since when they dry they crumble and fall, even while fresh, they are as one that is not there.

ואמר רבי אבא אמר רב הונא הבוצר לגת אין לו ידות

Apropos the statements of Rabbi Abba, the Gemara cites another. Rabbi Abba said that Rav Huna said: In the case of one who harvests bunches of grapes for the winepress, these bunches do not have handles. The stems, which connect the grapes to the clusters, are not required for the production of wine. Therefore, their legal status is not that of a handle in terms of ritual impurity; they are merely waste. Consequently, if these stems come into contact with a source of ritual impurity, they do not become impure and they do not transmit impurity to the attached grapes.

ורב מנשיא בר גדא אמר רב הונא הקוצר לסכך אין לו ידות

And Rav Menashya bar Gadda said that Rav Huna said: In the case of one who harvests grain for roofing a sukka, the grain has no handles. The legal status of the straw is not that of a handle for the grain. Since his interest is roofing his sukka, he wants only the straw, which is fit roofing, and not the grain, which is unfit. Therefore, in this context, the straw does not facilitate moving the grain.

מאן דאמר קוצר כל שכן בוצר דלא ניחא ליה דלא נימצייה לחמריה מאן דאמר בוצר שאין לו ידות אבל קוצר יש לו ידות דניחא ליה דליסכך בהו כי היכי דלא ליבדרן

The Gemara notes: The one who said that in the case of one who harvests grain, the straw is not a handle, all the more so would he say so in the case of one who harvests grapes, since the stems are not suitable for his needs. Stems are not wanted in the winepress, so that they will not absorb wine. By contrast, the one who said in the case of one who harvests grapes that it has no handles, he said so only in that case; however, in the case of one who harvests grain, he would say that it has handles, since the grain attached to the straw is suitable for his needs. He can roof the sukka with them and weigh down the straw, so that it does not scatter in the wind.

נימא דרב מנשיא בר גדא תנאי היא דתניא סוכי תאנים ובהן תאנים פרכילין ובהן ענבים קשין ובהן שבלים מכבדות ובהן תמרים כולן אם פסולת מרובה על האוכלין כשרה ואם לאו פסולה אחרים אומרים עד שיהו קשין מרובין על הידות ועל האוכלין

The Gemara suggests: Let us say that the statement of Rav Menashya bar Gadda is subject to a dispute between tanna’im, as it is taught in a baraita:

Fig branches, and there are figs on them; vines, and there are grapes on them; straw, and there are stalks of grain on them; palm branches, and there are dates on them, with regard to them all, if the amount of waste is greater than the amount of the food, a sukka roofed with them is fit. And if not, the sukka is unfit. Aḥerim say: The sukka is unfit until the amount of straw is greater than the combined amount of the handbreadth of the handles attached to the food that is susceptible to ritual impurity and the food.

מאי לאו בהא קא מיפלגי דמר סבר יש להן ידות ומר סבר אין להן ידות

The Gemara continues: What, is it not that they disagree with regard to this: That one Sage, Aḥerim , who said that the straw must be greater than the handles as well, holds that the produce designated for roofing have handles; and one Sage, the first tanna, who disagrees, holds that they do not have handles?

לרבי אבא ודאי תנאי היא לרב מנשיא בר גדא מי לימא תנאי היא אמר לך רב מנשיא דכולי עלמא סברי הקוצר סכך אין לו ידות והכא במאי עסקינן כגון שקוצצן לאכילה ונמלך עליהן לסיכוך

The Gemara notes: According to the opinion of Rabbi Abba, who says that grape clusters harvested for the winepress do not have handles, but grain harvested for roofing does, it is certainly a dispute between tanna’im. Clearly, he holds in accordance with the opinion of Aḥerim , who hold that grain harvested for roofing has handles. However, according to the opinion of Rav Menashya bar Gadda, who says that grain harvested for roofing does not have handles, shall we say that it is a dispute between tanna’im, and that he holds in accordance with the first tanna of the baraita? Rav Menashya could have said to you that everyone agrees: With regard to one who harvests grain for roofing, the grain does not have handles. And here in the baraita, with what are we dealing? It is a case where one initially cut the stalks for food, and reconsidered his plan for them, and decided to use them for roofing. Since initially, as food, the grain had handles, its status does not change despite his change of intent.

אי קוצצן לאכילה מאי טעמייהו דרבנן וכי תימא קסברי רבנן כיון דנמלך עליהן לסיכוך בטלה ליה מחשבתו ומי בטלה ליה מחשבה בהכי והתנן כל הכלים

The Gemara asks: If he cut them for food, what is the rationale for the opinion of the Rabbis that the grain has no handles? As a rule, grain has handles. And if you say that the Rabbis hold that once he reconsidered his plan for them and decided to use them for roofing, his initial intent was negated and their legal status is like any other inedible roofing, and they consequently have no handles, the Gemara asks: And was his initial intent negated in that manner? Didn’t we learn in a mishna: All vessels